The United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2016-2020

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2016-2020 is the fourth UNDAF in Ethiopia and represents the strategic response of the UN Country Team to the national development priorities articulated in the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II). Under the joint leadership and partnership of the Government and the UN system, the UNDAF 2016-2020 has been developed in a widely participatory manner.
In addition to Government and UN agencies, it draws on inputs from development partners, private sector and civil society organizations. As part of the Delivering as One process in Ethiopia, which requires all members of the UN family to work together in an integrated manner, the UNDAF represents the key programming instrument and foundation for joint strategic UN system support to the national development agenda.
Following the mainstreaming of the Sustainable Development Goals into the GTP II, the UNDAF is also directly linked to the SDGs relevant to the Ethiopia context. This provides a solid foundation for close collaboration between the Government and the UN system in localizing and rolling out the SDGs during the life cycle of the UNDAF 2016 – 2020.
To continue Ethiopia’s successful path towards becoming a middle income country and a climate resilient green economy by 2025, the UNDAF 2016 - 2020 is strategically focused on supporting Ethiopia’s continued growth and transformation in five areas including inclusive growth and structural transformation, building resilience and green economy, investing in human capital and expanding basic social services, good governance, participation and capacity building, and equality and empowerment. The UN Country Team in Ethiopia will use their combined wealth of technical expertise, global networks and reach to help the country realize the objectives of the GTP II and stay on course for achieving its vision 2025.
The UNDAF is aligned to the GTP II and contributes directly to eight of the nine GTP II pillars through the following UNDAF pillars:
Pillar 1: Inclusive growth and structural transformation
Pillar 2: Resilience and green economy
Pillar 3: Investing in human capital and expanded access to quality and equitable basic social services
Pillar 4: Good governance, participation and capacity development
Pillar 5: Equality and Empowerment