ILO and its tripartite constituents launched a Decent Work Country Program for Ethiopia
The ILO and its tripartite constituents launched a Decent Work Country Program (2021-2025) for Ethiopia.
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia together with the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Union (CETU) and Confederation of Ethiopian Employers Federations (CEEF) colorfully launched the Decent Work Country Program (DWCP, 2021 – 2025) for Ethiopia with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Addis Ababa.
In Ethiopia, COVID 19 projected to cause a drop in real economic growth of about 2.8 % in 2020 and trigger price inflation in the country. Women, youth, migrants and persons with disabilities are likely to bear a disproportionate share of the job losses and other negative effects of COVID-19.
The government, employers and workers with the support of the International Labour Organization developed the five years Decent Work Countrywide Program as part of mitigating the impact of COVID 19 in particular and to: improve industrial relations, meet labour standards, and promote investment & employment as well as labour market matching in general in the world of work.
Furthermore, the program expected to be instrumental in coordinating efforts to alleviate unemployment, improve workplace safety and health conditions, strengthen equity and the right to organize, social dialogue and tripartism, as well as to extend social protection.
“The program was developed with collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, representatives of Employers’ and Workers’ Organizations and the ILO and it is aligned with the United Nations System Development Cooperative Framework (UNSDCF II) for Ethiopia”. Said Mr. Alexio Musindo, ILO Director in Ethiopia.
DWCP is multi-sectoral and addresses political, social and economic matters in an integrated approach. “The program is aligned to the National Ten Years Perspective Plan, MOLSA’s Ten Year Sectoral Plan and the strategic priorities of the social partners, as well as the Country’s Priority areas such as; People, Prosperity and, Industrial Relations, Social dialogue and tripartism”. Said H.E Ergogie Tesfaye (PhD) Minister of MoLSA.
The DWCP was launched with the signing of Memorandum of Understanding among the ILO and tripartite.
The implementation of the program demands joint efforts of the Government, Employers, Workers, and the ILO on one hand and requires the support of bilateral, multilateral and development partners on the other hand.